Mittens for Detroit is fortunate to have a great array of businesses and companies sharing their energy and resources to support us in many creative ways. Here are a few examples that you and your company can provide new, warm mittens and gloves this year:
Hold a MittenRaiser
Every winter we receive thousands of new mittens and gloves that come from employee collections at work. Whether it is a Community Collection box in the lunchroom or “admission” to the company holiday party, the simple gift of a pair of mittens or gloves goes a long and meaningful way. Additionally, if you want to collect financial donations, we can set up a personalized private donation page just for your company, at no cost to you.

Teambuilding at The Big Sort
We rely on volunteers to help us to process the thousands of pairs we receive. From September through March, we hold The Big Sort, which is a series of sorting parties at our office in downtown Detroit. Your team can come to sort, count, and pack the pairs for pick-up by our Distribution Partners. We can host groups as small as 3… and as large as 15! It’s a fun, relaxed, and meaningful way to do some community service while working together outside of the office. Many teams come year after year.
Support a Distribution Partner
New this year, we are able to provide you with a way to make your MittenRaiser or fundraiser more meaningful. You can choose from our Distribution Partners to find a school, agency, or organization that is in your geographic area or is already being supported by you in other ways. By choosing a specific partner, we can tell you how many pairs or what your fundraising goal should be so that you meet their needs. This is an exciting new way to increase your impact in the community, and to find new charity partners for your future work.
Knit & Crochet Clubs & Upcycle Sewing Groups
If you have DIY folks at the office, a great project is handmade mittens. Whether knit, crochet, or upcycled from sweaters, handmade mittens are a luxury and a treat to those who receive them. Please visit our MITTENS PATTERNS page.
Mittens for Detroit is a Designations Eligible Partner with the United Way for Southeast Michigan.
If your company support the UWSEM with employee donations, please recommend that MFD be considered for payroll deductions donated to UWSEM.
Pot Lucks & Bake Sales
Who doesn’t love an opportunity to help a charity while enjoying some delicious food? Maybe hold a drawing for a pair of oven mitts! Why not whip up a few batches of mitten-shaped cookies!
Matching Employee Donations & Volunteer Hours
You can double the impact of your employees’ generosity if you participate in matching their donations and volunteer hours. We are a 501(c)(3) donation, and we are registered with Benevity, Your Cause, Mighty Cause, and other fundraising and employee engagement platforms.
Year-End Charitable Donations
Please consider including us in your year-end charitable giving. GivingTuesday (the Tuesday after Thanksgiving) is an annual international day of giving, where the focus is on doing good in your community, by donating funds, time, and other resources. This is an excellent date for your year-end contribution.
Giving Day Collections
If your company holds Jeans Days or Casual Days as community fundraisers, please consider benefiting Mittens for Detroit this year. The nice thing about these dress-down days is that they occur throughout the year, rather than being tied to seasonal giving!
Support a Distribution Partner
New this year, we are able to provide you with a way to make your MittenRaiser or fundraiser more meaningful. You can choose from our Distribution Partners to find a school, agency, or organization that is in your geographic area or is already being supported by you in other ways. By choosing a specific partner, we can tell you how many pairs or what your fundraising goal should be so that you meet their needs. This is an exciting new way to increase your impact in the community, and to find new charity partners for your future work.
Please consider Mittens for Detroit as your Charity Partner
Mittens for Detroit is a great charity partner for your golf outing, conference, holiday party, or other public or private events. Because our mission is so specific and easy to relate to, you’ll find that your attendees will enjoy an opportunity to help people fight the cold, in such a concrete and tangible way. Please contact Wendy Shepherd, MFD Executive Director, for more information.
If you have questions, please contact Wendy Shepherd, MFD Executive Director, [email protected] Thank you!